
Welcome to Unashamed & Unhindered! 💕

I am Sarah Murphy, founder of the Unashamed & Unhindered which is a movement all about keeping Christ at the center of our lives. My mission is to help women become unashamed of their past + who God created them to be and live out their God-given purpose with confidence. Subscribe to my newsletter to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox that talks all about how to BE who God created you to be and DO what God created you to do, unashamed and unhindered!

What are you running to for help?

Hey beautiful! I have been feeling the pressure of life lately, have you? Things seem to be getting more chaotic each day, but when this came across my facebook memories last week and I knew it wasn't just for me but for you too. 💖 I hope it brings you some encouragement in your day + week and it is a reminder you continue to run back to when things get tough... I sought the Lord, and He heard me,And delivered me from all my fears.They looked to Him and were radiant,And their faces were not...

Miracles Out of Mistakes

Hey beautiful friend! Have you ever been down in the dumps looking at your life wondering how you got to this moment?Maybe you have been struggling to find hope today or struggling to stay positive about the future because you are too busy focusing on what has already happened in the past.If so, I have been here too. That is why I am here to remind you of a couple of things today: #1 - God's divine plan for our lives already factored in our mistakes I know when I have been too troubled to...

The summer is almost over already?!? 😩

Hey beautiful friend, It is crazy to me that summer is almost over! Anyone else? 🙋♀️ Look back over the past 8 months of 2024 has been eye opening. Between moving, my daughter turning 4, my son turning 2, my husband changing jobs + working overnights right now, some marital challenges, and me pivoting in my online business it has been a WILD ride, y'all. That isn't even mentioning anything that has been going on around the country + the world. Girl, It's. A. LOT! But nonetheless God has been...

Elijah’s Example of Obedience 🙇‍♂️

Hey beautiful! How has your week been going so far? Are you as surprised as I am that we are halfway through 2024 already?! 😬 If so, I feel ya, sister! Today’s email is going to be a little bit of a change in pace. It’s not going to be super long, but still going to be just as impactful + informative! Instead of typing my encouragement out first l, as I normally do, I decided to adlib a podcast episode instead. And if you were able to watch the video that goes with this audio you’d see how...

Are you in the fiery furnace right now? 🔥🔥🔥

Hey beautiful, I thought of you today! 💕 You see, I was driving along and a song came on the radio called “Fires”. And the words of this song resonated so deeply in my soul, and it made me think that maybe you could relate to it too. So I wanted to share it with you! You see Reader, this world is wasting away as we speak. But there is hope!! Because of Jesus Christ we have a beautiful blessed assurance that through the trials of this life, in the midst of going against the grain, and as we...

🥳 Happy Juneteenth! 🥳

Hey beautiful, happy Juneteenth! Do you know what Juneteenth is all about? If not, here is a super quick rundown: On June 19, 1865 the last of the enslaved people found out they were set free! Although the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all slaves, was read in 1863 some in the southern states were not able to obtain that freedom until 1865 when the Civil War ended. Of course there were not computers, televisions, social media, etc. for others to learn of news back then, so for over 2...

🇺🇸 Happy Memorial Day! 🇺🇸

Hey beautiful! I wanted to hop into your inbox today to chat a little bit about Memorial Day and what it's truly all about. 🇺🇸 Some of us may have just been thankful for another reason to be with family, a day off work, or the sign that it is warming up so swimming season is upon us - which are all great things! But Memorial Day is so much more than that! Memorial Day is a day to remember those who paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy in this country each and every single day....

The Pressure Can Kill

Hey beautiful + happy Tuesday! I started typing up the below email to you on Sunday but didn't get it finished in time to send it out before the end of the day, so although some details are a little dated at this point the main idea still stands. Now rewinding back to Sunday... Here in my part of Texas it’s a warm and sunny day! ☀️ Yesterday was the same, but even though the sun was bright, the day was filled with wonderful possibilities, and my family + I were getting things together for our...

[Pep Talk] The secret to crispy French toast...

Hey beautiful! Did you know May is Mental Health Awareness month? I know, I know. Mental health is one of those buzz topics that seems to have really sprang up during + post COVID. But did you also know that our minds are addressed quite a bit throughout Scripture? Yes, the world may be putting our mind, mindfulness, and mental health in front of us more regularly, but God is actually the one who designed our minds + He has all the answers on how to overcome mental health struggles. He tells...

Renewing Your Mind or Dulling Your Senses?

Hey beautiful, happy Tuesday!! I hope your week has been going well so far, and if it isn't I hope this will give you a boost of encouragement to get your week turned around! 💕 I was thinking about today’s email topic - renewing the mind - and thought I would be using the obvious verses of Romans 12:1-2 (and yes these verses absolutely apply to this email!), but as I was wondering what was on the heart of our Heavenly Father to share with you today this question came to mind : "Are you...