Elijah’s Example of Obedience 🙇‍♂️

Hey beautiful!

How has your week been going so far? Are you as surprised as I am that we are halfway through 2024 already?! 😬

If so, I feel ya, sister!

Today’s email is going to be a little bit of a change in pace. It’s not going to be super long, but still going to be just as impactful + informative!

Instead of typing my encouragement out first l, as I normally do, I decided to adlib a podcast episode instead.

And if you were able to watch the video that goes with this audio you’d see how uncomfortable I was with doing an episode in such a way. Because it wasn’t my “norm”. (And I’m a recovering perfectionist, sand if you are too you know what I mean! 🙃)

So as you take some time to listen to this new podcast episode entitled “Elijah’s Example of Obedience”, I hope it will inspire you to get out of your comfort zone today to follow what God is speaking to you. Right here. Right now.

Because all of our actions (or inactions) not only affect us. They affect others around us - including complete strangers.

We see that in the verses of 1 Kings 17. We also see:

  • God spoke to Elijah and told him where to go + promised daily provision
  • God's faithfulness when His promise of provision was seen in Elijah's life through a unique way
  • God told Elijah where to go next when provisions in that area had dried up (literally)
  • God's faithfulness + promise of provision seen in Elijah's life once again as he obeyed God
  • God blessing a stranger through Elijah as both of them were obedient

This story is a wonderful reminder of when we put God first and are obedient to Him we are able to see God's promises fulfilled in our lives no matter the circumstances!

>>> Listen to the new podcast episode by clicking here! <<<

In Christ’s love,

~Sarah Murphy

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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