Miracles Out of Mistakes

Hey beautiful friend!


Have you ever been down in the dumps looking at your life wondering how you got to this moment?
Maybe you have been struggling to find hope today or struggling to stay positive about the future because you are too busy focusing on what has already happened in the past.
If so, I have been here too. That is why I am here to remind you of a couple of things today:


#1 - God's divine plan for our lives already factored in our mistakes

I know when I have been too troubled to find hope I felt like I had made too many mistakes for God to correct or that I had just done too much for God to untangle. Even though it sounds silly it was almost like I thought it must be a surprise to both of us that I didn't make all the right decisions, that I shrunk back, failed to be obedient, or skipped out on that amazing opportunity God presented me. But when we think + agree with lies such as those we forget the TRUTH such as:

  • God knows the beginning from the end (Isaiah 46:10)
  • No matter what we do God's purposes will still prevail + stand (Isaiah 46:10)
  • God is sovereign + in control at all times (Ephesians 1:11)


#2 - Even in our disobedience and/or mistakes God will glorify Himself through us and get us back on track

We see this play out in Luke 22:47-51 when Peter cuts off the ear of the Servant of the High Priest.


Judas was coming to betray Jesus and others were there to arrest Him and take Him away. And Peter, being the zealous one he was, impulsively cuts off the ear of the servant in the midst of everything. But instead of allowing chaos to ensue everyone, Jesus simply heals the man + his ear and gets back to the original plan God had for Him - to be lead away and begin the unfolding of His crucifixion.


Think about that. The servant is there as a bystander, becomes a victim of Peter's attack, and then gets a personal encounter with Jesus he was never even expecting or looking for.


But we see Jesus' compassion + miracle working power even in the midst of His betrayal. We see that Jesus is able to work a miracle out of Peter's mistake. And what a miracle it was!


So this is your friendly reminder that no matter how bad it seems, no matter how broken you feel, no matter how dark your situation is currently - God is with you. He is just waiting to be invited in.


And if you have invited Him to divinely intervene or work a miracle on your behalf, then sit tight, my friend. God is always on time!


In Christ's love,

~Sarah Murphy


PS: Want to chat about this more? Hit reply to this email and email me back! (:


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