Need Refreshing Today?

Hey Reader!


This month we are focused on renewal, and what better way to focus on renewal than by talking about having a renewed spirit?

In a world focused on the shiny objects it’s easy to get caught up with the β€œnext best thing” and forget that we already have the best of the best thing - Jesus Christ.


If you are wearied today from all the chaos + content at your fingertips and if you are needing some a refresh, keep on reading!

The past couple of weeks I was preparing for a virtual event I was hosting and one thing God prompted me to do with Him was re-dedicate my life to Him. ​

It first started a week or two beforehand when I was at church and our pastor made the call to salvation at the end of his sermon and I felt prompted to respond. I thought it was odd since I knew I was saved and have been walking with Him for more than 10 years, but instead of brushing it off I continued to dig to figure out was that just me or was that the Lord...

Fast forward a little bit and I was sitting at my desk during a work day and felt like God was asking me to re-dedicate myself to Him and ask Him to cleanse me. The Lord utilized Psalm 51 to humble me as I read David confessing his transgressions to the Lord and asking to be renewed in his spirit to be steadfast for God once again.


It is difficult to come face-to-face with our fleshly nature. We want to feel justified in our actions. We want to feel like we can do no wrong. We want to feel like we are doing the right thing all the time. But the truth of the matter is - without Christ we aren't.


To be unashamed means we accept the truth - left to our own devices we fall into pride. And actually, we cannot truly make lasting, positive changes ourselves. We are powerless to overcome long-term temptations on our own. We are not all powerful. We are not all knowing. We do not always make the best decisions.


But thankfully God is and does and can! Jesus can change our hearts + our minds which will allow our actions to be changed.


The Holy Spirit can empower us to stand against the enemy's temptations that strategically try to pull us away from God and His plans + purposes for our lives.


God is all powerful and all knowing, and He has a perfect plan for our lives that He predestined for us to walk out.


We are not here to appease ourselves or overcome all adversity on our own. If we could do that why would we need faith? And why would we need Jesus?


So although we are not perfect, all powerful, or able to provide everything for ourselves, thankfully we can pray to, lean on, and trust in the infinite God that is perfect, is all powerful, and will provide for all of our needs.


And that means we do things in step with Him instead of in our time. It means we wait upon Him instead of running ahead. And it means we step up when He calls us to make a move in faith instead of shrinking back in fear.


If you are wrestling with these truths about yourself today you are not alone! But I am here to remind you that what we cannot do - Jesus can do. And when we need rest Jesus is ready to freely give it.


Acts 3:19 tells us:

"Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord,"


When we are feeling weary or need renewal + refreshing most of us don't immediately think about repentance being the answer. But it is. Coming to Jesus and admitting these truths to ourselves and Him opens up the opportunity for Him to give us the help we desperately need.


If you are feeling the weight of these truths today, I encourage you to pray the following verses from Psalm 51 and ask ask God's forgiveness (which the entire Pslam is great to read, reference, and pray!) :


10 Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.


God's forgiveness + refreshment is one of the greatest gifts we could ever experience. It may feel a little odd if you have been walking with God for a while, but sometimes we allow things into our hearts and minds that distract us, detour us, and dull our senses to the Holy Spirit. Don't let pride keep you from what you truly need today. πŸ’•


If this hit home for you and you want to continue the conversation I would love for you to respond to this email! Linking arms with other women who are walking the same path is so beneficial to our spiritual growth with God.


In Christ's love,


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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